Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kids Space Museum

Last Thursday we joined the 2005 Playgroup of our MOMS Club at the Kids Space Museum in Pasadena. It was fun but a little crowded inside due to class field trips. Nonetheless, the kids had fun checking out the different exhibits. I do have to admit though that I thought it would be more 'outer space' related and Braeden is really into that right now, but there was none of that.

Here are some pictures from our trip. I will have to post the rest later since Blogger is being lame at the moment!

'Tough Guy' driving the jeep!

Building with wood.....taking after his Daddy and his Papa!

Painting! He LOVES art and hung out at this station for quite awhile.

This earthquake exhibit was out of order but he still enjoyed playing with it.

Digging for fossils!

We both got a little overwhelmed inside with all the elementary students running around so we headed outside to ride the tricycles on the cool track!

More to follow on this trip later. I hope that you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and that your week is off to a great start!!

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