Saturday, August 23, 2008


So we went camping a couple if weeks Chino! We went to Prado Regional Park. The park itself, the lake and the water play area was great! Even the facilities were nice. Not so much the camping experience! We got a spot next to the COWS!! Thank God it didn't stink but with cows come FLIES!!! I am not underestimating when I say there were a zillion of them! I have camped plenty of time and know that flies come with camping but this was RIDICULOUS!

But we stayed positive and powered through it...well almost through it!

Here is our little musician singing us songs around the campfire!

Here he is singing Talyor Swift's song, 'Picture to Burn' In case you didn't know, Taylor swift is his girlfriend along with Carrie Underwood and of course Kaitlyn DeArmas! :)

Here is Nana & Papa enjoying the entertainment!

After a rough night (more on that later), we headed to the lake and found a great spot to do some fishing. Here is Braeden waiting patiently for us to get everything situated.

The boys getting their bait ready.

My two boys fishing together!!

Entertaining myself because fishing got!

My Mom got bored too. :)

Papa got delirious! And below Braeden is copying him. :)

There is usually never a trip w/o a self portrait!

Rough night=camping neighbors getting out of control drunk and barfing out of their tents for 2 hours and having it sound like he is outside your tent, Braeden having a nightmare, getting chased in the middle of the night by coyotes with your Mom and your son, hearing the neighbor baby scream for an hour straight!

Needless to say, we headed home on Saturday night after fishing and BBQ'd at my parents and then headed home to sleep in our own beds.

Note to self: Never camp again at Prado Regional Park!

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Melissa said...

Nothing like stupid drunks and loads of flies to ruin a good campout!! Hey, not for lack of trying!! (Love the pics!) :o)

Anonymous said...

Your son is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!