We go to MOPS at a local church 2 times a month and the kids are with the MOPETTES while the Mom's do their thing. Braeden has loved this from day one and it was never an issue. Last Thursday Braeden said he didn't want to go. He says this about everything, that is just him. But then when we get to where he 'didn't want to go,' he loves it! Plus, we had missed the last couple of meetings so I was thinking it was just off schedule...schedule is big for him!
Well, he cried a little at MOPS and I was shocked and felt bad. Long story short, he calmed down and had a good time. They did say that he was a little more sensitive than usual, and I have noticed this at home as well.
Last Saturday was Mommy Day @ his Preschool. We went, we had fun, end of story. Or not! On Monday when I took him to school he said that he wanted me to stay like on Saturday. I explained to him that Saturday was a special day and now we were back to our regular schedule and he would be at school with his friends. After asking me to stay for '2 more minutes' and getting just a little sad, I left and all was well.
Today I take him and he is excited as always, running to see his friends and get started on his art. Then when I went to leave he asked for '2more minutes' with me. I said sure, since it worked on Monday. Well, not so much today! He just got consistently more upset and cried and said he wanted to go home with me. Of course this hurt me but I did my best to calm him down and so did his teacher Mrs. Allen. When nothing was working, we (Mrs. Allen) and I knew it was just time for me to go. It broke my heart into pieces to not look back when I heard him screaming for me!
My dear friend Lisa is always late (love ya!) getting her daughter Kaitlyn to school (she goes to the same school as Braeden). So I called her and she checked on him when she got to the school and he was fine, which made me feel somewhat better. I know he is in good hands and is learning so much. It just still hurts!
OK, I am done whining! I just had to get it off of my chest!
Welcome to my world..LOL. Dont worry it will pass!!
Welcome to my world...LOL. Dont worry it will pass!!
That was always the hardest for me. I remember days when I would drop Ashley off and she would be crying at the gate for me. My heart would break to. That's why I became a preschool teacher so I wouldn't have to leave her and then I would feel bad for other parents whose crying child I would hold while they had to leave. It's sad on all sides.
I remember how that was. I couldn't stand watching Ashley cry that I got a job at her school teaching so I would be close by. While do that I was always sad for other parents who left there kids while they were crying. It's sad for everyone. But enjoy it cause soon they stop crying for you and want to be all grown up.
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