Sunday, September 7, 2008

Balance I have it? I have thought that I have always handled balancing everything in my life pretty well. In high school I worked and played sports on top of school. In college I worked, never took less than 18 units in a semester and did my fair share of partying. Now as a Mom my balancing act is being tested!

I am a mother of a very smart and busy 3 year old, a wife, a business owner of 2 businesses, I am involved in a weekly bible study and a member of 4 different types of Mom's groups. On top of all that I have the daily duties of maid, cook, chauffeur, and whatever activities my son is involved in at the moment.

I have experienced some instances in my life recently with 'friends', groups, etc. and because of all of this it has really put things into perspective. From this moment forward I am going to be making positive changes and stop over committing myself. I admitted it, I over commit myself! :) I am excited yet sad to make this change since it means leaving some groups I have been a part of for some time and also letting go of people who I thought were better friends than they are in reality!

My first positive change I want to announce is my new business partner for! Kadi Prescott (my event planning partner) is now my business partner for as well! I consider myself blessed to have this all fall into place the way it did. Without the help of my FIL and the confidence he has in me as a business owner it wouldn't have been possible and I am forever thankful for that! So be sure to get yourself registered at and see our adventure unfold!

My next change is that I am now a Table Leader for my MOPS group at Water of Life church. After much prayer and talking to my dear friend Kim Pardue I have committed (there I go again!) myself to being a Table Leader to such a positive group of woman. I am excited to be a part of this ministry and I feel blessed to have been chose to serve as part of their leadership group!!

Stay tuned for more positive changes in the Wicker Household! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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