Monday, March 24, 2008

Build A Bear

Last week (the day the sickness came on), Braeden and I hit Build-A-Bear in Ontario Mills. Braeden had a gift card to the store that he got for Christmas. Braeden got a VERY good report for his preschool teacher so we decided to celebrate by going there, to see the Easter Bunny and to lunch, just him and I.

Well..... Build-A-Bear was a hit! He made a dog named 'Dog.' My son, is VERY literal! Below are some pictures of him washing 'Dog" before he got dressed in his basketball clothes that Braeden picked out.

From there we went to see the Easter Bunny. Well, as we are getting closer we see the Easter Bunny walking the other way. I thought maybe he was just walking around and giving his butt a break....WRONG! We get there and there is a sign that the bunny will be back at 12:45....umm, it was currently 11:30! Braeden was so sad and said, 'But Mommy, I just wanted to hug the bunny.' Well damn it, he was going to get a hug! We ran, yes, ran through Ontario Mills and caught that silly rabbit right as he was about to go in his corridor, oh I mean 'cage!' The bunny and his helper were so nice! Braeden got to get a hug and chat with the bunny. I was too out of breath to get a picture....sorry!

Then we headed across the street to BJ's (Braeden's choice) for lunch. He throughly enjoyed his grilled cheese and smiley french fries as I was so sad that I couldn't tast my salad and Sweet Pig pizza. :( This is when I realized I was definitely sick!

On the way home, Braeden said, 'Mommy, my eyes are closing and I am not making them.' All I could do was smile and tell him it was OK. Usually I don't like him to fall asleep in the car, but he was exhausted...obviously!

It was a fun Mommy & Son day!

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