Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And the winner is.....


Thanks to my dear friend and business partner Kadi for introducing me to The Posh Parent and the contest that they were having yesterday! I am now the proud owner of the necklace below!

It was a fun and easy contest. You just had to be the 214 commenter and that is what I was. Kadi and a couple of other fellow Posh Parents got really into it and if you know me you know I am competitive so I was determined to win! Woo Hoo! I will take some picture of me in my new necklace when it arrives!

Braeden enjoyed the contest too! He got to stay up late and bug Auntie Alisha while she was on the phone and while Brett was watching his team win on Monday Night Football! A good time was had by all! Thank you Posh Parent!!

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Laura said...

Congratulations!!! I love winning stuff!! Way cute too. :)

Jennifer said...

AWww thanks for the shout out!