Sunday, September 28, 2008

Oh the dinner converstaions we have.....

Well, we may have not made it to the LA County this year (no biggie), but at least I got to enjoy the corn from there! Well, maybe it wasn't the corn, but it was pretty darn close to it! Brett made some dalish corn tonight along with some great chicken.

If the chicken is not shaped like a dinosaur these days, Braeden will not eat it! We went from a kid who would eat everything you put in front of him to a kid who refuses everything....or just about everything you put in front of him. Braeden's dinner consisted of cut up grilled chicken, ranch (ranch makes everything great, right?), and strawberries. Our dinner conversation consisted of this:

Little B: I don't like chicken!
Mom: Yes, you do, now eat it!
Little B: But I don't like it!
Mom: Fine, if you do not eat your chicken you are losing your art box for the rest of the night.
Little B: OK, I will put it away for you!
Mom & Dad: Eye roll....
Dad: Braeden if you are not going to eat your chicken then you need to eat your strawberries.
Little B: I am, see! (Mouth full of chewed up strawberries!)
Dad: If you open your mouth with food in it again, there will be no TV the rest of the night.
Little B: OK, I will turn the TV off for you.

So needless to say, Braeden had strawberries and milk for dinner, the art box is put away, the TV is off and Brett and I are irritated! Reverse psychology is worst thing ever invented! It does not! Oh well, at least I had my fair style corn!

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Katie said...

Wow, what a smart kid you have on your hands! Mia is all of a sudden picky as well. At least we can still watch TV though, LOL!

Michelle R. said...

Ok that is funny! He is catching on to your tactics.

Kitty said...

Don't feel bad...Logan used reverse phsycology on ME the other day! Trent and I just stared at each other like "did that just happen?"

Laura said...

You know that commercial where the little girl is sitting in thr grocery cart as her mother pushes her around the grocery store and says "I don't think I like chicken" and "I don't think I like broccoli" - well Brooke sounds exactly like that... and even looks like her too! So... atleast you don't have that on your hands... Brooke adds a little head shake bobble with attitude to hers also! lol