Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh how I dislike Wal-Mart....

Let me count the ways.....

1. A man (in his 50's) tried to start a fight with a poor older man who didn't see him and BARELY touched him with his cart.
2. There is trash ALL over the the parking lot.
3. There is crap in EVERY aisle making very difficult to navigate through an already crowded store.
4. The return/exchange line is about 30 lines deep and every other person didn't have a receipt and it was the sales clerks fault!
5. They have no dividers on the conveyor belts to separate your stuff from the person in front of you and the person behind you. No the chewing tobacco is NOT mine!

Oh I could go on and on! But....I did get some great games from some birthday gifts and some decorations from Braeden's little birthday party for under $40!

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1 comment:

Kitty said...

Girl - that's why I DON'T go there. If Trent and I ever go together - we end up in a fight EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!! It's retarded! You're a brave soul for going there!