Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Proud Mama!!

Well this may come off as bragging to some.....if that is the case, you can redirect yourself to a new blog at this time!

Braeden and Brett were doing art tonight on a big blanket on the living room floor. As Braeden was cleaning up, Brett wrote, "Time For Bed" on the paper and Braeden looked at it and said "Daddy, why did you write, 'Time For Bed' on that paper?" Of course we got so excited!!!

We spent the next 30 minutes writing differently things for him to read, such as 'play ball,' 'tie your shoes,' 'look at me,' and quite a few others. He read about 95% of everything we wrote correctly! He just turned 3 on May 1 so we feel so blessed to watch and listen to this!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Braedon! Girl brag all you want that is amazing for his age you have every right to be super proud!